
At War Within

At War Within | An Installation

Video: Cliff Caines | Audio: Darren Copeland | Review: Donald Brackett

In collaboration with video artist Cliff Caines and audio artist Darren Copeland, this dramatic tableau was created.  Life-sized figurative self-portraits were depicted through a series of oil paintings on large sheets of semi translucent mylar, illustrating many painful poses and settings of grief. The artist wanted to portray the delicate yet powerful world of an Iranian woman confined in the unfair atmosphere she inhabits.  Video projections and music both animated and extended the images into a temporal and internal domain – even using the sounds of the artist’s internal blood flow.  This work reveals a personal yet universal dialogue of womanhood through iconic imagery. 

“At War Within” features her dramatic visual poems in the figurative context of a mixed-media installation
— Donald Brackett

Uploaded by Rafa Rafa on 2018-10-19.